Monday, April 23, 2007

What lies ahead

Future, or past, it's all the same. People see thing different from one point to another. It's just how thing works.

At the moments, many seek a better future. I keep thinking whether or not it is what I asks for? Acctually, I don't really care. Just follow the flow of fate and it's gonna be fine, well thats just how my life does.

But I feel envy with my friend and the other, who try their best in life. I also want the best but what could I do? My friend want to get into top University in the world. and Me, huh? it's Malaysian matriculation, I won't go any far with that. Is there any room for me? Perhaps Harvard might be better choice, too bad I not a genius. Thus, all hopes gone.

1 comment:

hudzaifah said...

dear tearfate, you have good future ahead. dream big. seriously, you have potential. who says you cant go further by doing a malaysian matriculation? true, follow the flow of life, but follow it with full of determination!